
Showing posts from October, 2019


Welcome to my blog everyone!!! I am Meera Sanjiv I am 12yrs old  I live in Tamil Nadu which is a state in India I hope that we all have interesting conversations here! I write about issues that matter to me,not matter  just to me but also to the world - atleast it should matter to the world! Today I will be writing about the Indian festival called Diwali  (festival of lights) Diwali is a festival where people go and visit their relatives and friends.. Now Diwali has become a festival of sound and pollution-WHY?! Because people burst fireworks and this leads to sound and air pollution. Y oung birds fall out of birds with sudden shock of the noise Stray animals and pets get so frightened People suffering from asthma, people who are sick won't be able to breathe. There is also lot of child labour in the firework industry kids working in places like this fall sick very easily and often... Last year in Chennai the government said that after 10pm