
My Pawsome Sundays:))

  Most people like to sleep late on Sundays but not me! Most Sundays find me cleaning (not my room hahaha) but cages and animals - every Sunday I go and volunteer in a animal shelter called BMAD which has cats, dogs, birds and even horses. BMAD has been around for many years, Infact when my mum was a teenager, she also used to volunteer there– back then it was called the Blue Cross. Infact, most of my mother’s childhood pets are buried there. As soon as I enter the gates of BMAD, several dogs come and greet me by wagging their tails, jumping on me, and licking me. All the dogs there are very friendly and love getting cuddles from everyone. The cats are also very friendly and welcome you with purrs and by rubbing themselves on you. Every week we always bathe 3-4dogs. Usually before we bathe the dogs, we must clean the bathing tub, which is a lot of work as it gets very dirty. Different dogs react differently to being bathed. Most of them have gotten used to getting bathed, but som

Pedalling towards my Dreams

I was literally born cycling. At the age of two, I had a push cycle – then, a tricycle and soon, a cycle with training wheels! I often rode doubles on my parents’ bicycles - I loved looking at the roads of Bangalore, talking nonstop, holding onto the carrier or my mom’s t-shirt. At the age of 5, I moved to Amsterdam and the first thing my parents bought me was my first proper cycle. No training wheels!   I fell so many times but somehow, I just didn’t want to give up. I climbed back on every time. Then one day, while cycling I told my mom to not let go (as I would say every time) Suddenly, the people along the wooded path by the canals started clapping – I turned around to see my mother far behind me. I felt so happy and proud of myself! And from that day on, I was unstoppable, I was busting the streets, whether it was rain or shine! Biking 3 km to school and back every day. One thing I loved about Amsterdam was the entire city – even the country is connected by cycle paths

Bella's First Adventure

This story is about my dog, Bella  Bella is my street dog, she has been living on our street long before I moved into my current house. She is a very pretty, playful and funny dog. She gets fed in every single house as everyone loves her and cares for her. A few weeks ago, my mom and I went to buy shoes and decided to walk and Bella followed us. We tried to shoo her away but she didn't go, she was trotting her way through the streets! When we arrived at the store, my mom waited outside with Bella while I was choosing what shoes i wanted, but when my mom went in and I came out, I noticed that Bella wasn't there.! Thankfully our trusted auto driver came to pick us up and noticed where Bella went. So we quickly hopped into the auto and went to look for her. We searched every road and finally found her surrounded by many dogs, so I quickly ran and shooed them away. When I approached Bella, she ran away, I think that was because she was a lil disoriented. I tried catching her, but s


 Heyy welcome back to my blog  Recently I saw the movie Wo nder on Netflix, and I really loved it and I wanted to share it with all of you The movie is based on a book by R.J Palacio. Wonder is about a child  named Auggie, who was born with a deformed face due to a rare disease called Treacher Collins.   Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder that most often affects the cheek bones, jaw, chin and ears.  The story  starts with him beginning school in the 5th grade. He was homeschooled by his mother till then and the whole family is anxious about how he'll adjust to school, and also about him being bullied. Each chapter is from a different character's perspective  that is interesting because I got to hear all sides of the story. Like that his sister Oliva feels neglected at times , that Miranda feels un cool and that's why she used Olivia' s life story for herself in her camp. Auggie overcomes many obstacles in his life, right from having many surgeries since


Heyyyyy! Welcome back people! I love cycling because it brings back a lot of memories from when I used to live in Amsterdam!  Before the lockdown, i used to cycle to school, tuition, shops and my friends house.. But now I can't do that, but I do cycle to my grandparent's house very often. The problem with cycling in India, is that the roads are unpaved and there is too much pollution. Delhi is the most polluted city in India. The main cause of pollution are vehicles. tbh even when we go on long car rides, I can't put the window down because there is so much pollution, my mom and I find it hard to breathe! Which is horrible because we love the sticking our heads out, because of the gush of wind, at least we used to love it. In fact when my mom was a child, she used to cycle 7 km to her school every single day! It seems hard to believe that  so much has changes since my parents were kids. It is really ironic, because people use cars to avoid being exposed to polluted air, but

What Part of My Life do i miss, from before the lockdown?

 Heyyy welcome back! Hope all of you are doing well! so, in today's post I’m going tell all of you the part of my life that I miss, from before the lockdown. Many people ask me this question and I say " many things, I miss many things", but I’ll be mentioning only a couple of things today. So one of the things I really miss is school (the fun part. lol, of course and the part where we get into trouble and the teachers scold us...!) The thing about online school and normal school is that the atmosphere is  DIFFERENT!  In regular school the teachers and students are able to interact properly but in online school that isn't always possible. Although in online school I have been doing better in my academics, and in my exams which I am happy about! I think I’m doing better because, I am a lot more focused than at school. The other thing I miss is going out, and not just going out.. going out without masks Ever since the lockdown begun, masks were a must while

Corona Virus has its Merits too!

Yes, I know that Covid-19 has changed our lives a lot, however some of the changes are for the better.  Ever since the world has been on lockdown, I'm not sure if many of you have noticed that the air is cleaner and less polluted. In fact my mom and I have been going to the terrace everyday to get some exercise and, after sunset we are able to see more stars then usual because the air is cleaner! Why is the air cleaner? Easy! It's because there aren't so many vehicles on the road, so less fuel being used and lesser pollution. Actually my mom is asthmatic, (this is a condition where she can't breathe properly without the use of an inhaler). She hasn't used her inhaler for the past week, she says that she can breathe better than usual. Normally she would need to use her inhaler at least once a day. But now she doesn't have to and that is a good sign. How can we make sure that after the lockdown, we don't go back to our old polluting ways? Instead o