
Showing posts from 2019


I live in a small locality where, behind my apartment there is a small village. Here outside everyone's house you will see cows,goats ,roosters, chickens and  buffalos.  Early morning before sunrise the cows and buffalos walk in a line  to the nearby empty plots of land. They spend the whole day there grazing. Late evening the cows go back to their houses.  W hen I take my dog for a walk at this time, neither of us are able to see the buffalos from afar, we notice them when we are close to them and it is very funny to see how my dog reacts! My post is mainly about what they do on their way to and from the playground . On that route there are many garbage bins that overflow with food waste all in plastic bags.  The cows end up eating the plastic bags while eating the food contained  in the bag. This is very sad and we often read articles about plastic being removed from cows like this one here.  I felt that this was wrong, so I have requested my mom to keep the


Hi all, welcome back!! I hope you have been enjoying my blog!! Today's blog is about all of my recycled, upcycled and reused stuff .. How does this help me? It helps me save money and not buying junk for the sake of it, it also makes me more creative! This  is a goodie bag which I made into an earing box. It took only 2hrs These earings were all given to me by various people like my mum and aunts which they used to wear in school and college. Hand- me-downs are good for the planet. Here are some cardboard cereal  boxes and mosquito mat  boxes which I  have made into earing boxes and organisers! They are very useful also very easy to make. Maybe you should also try making them!! This is called a bum-bag..  It was made by my mum's friend Mala Aunty. She collects old used jeans and makes it into bags! her organisation is I love her creative ideas! You should visit her website.. Below are my upcycled hand-me-


Hi all! Welcome back to my blog! Today I  will be talking about how polluted the river in my city, Chennai is. I actually row in the river so that's how I know. Although rowing  makes me feel calm and happy the stench and the things I see aren't pleasant at all. The thing that disturbs me is water pollution. I feel sad seeing plastic items, glass bottles, clothes, footwear and even filled garbage bags. All of  the drainage  drains  into the river- you can see the big pipes leading to the river as you row. Especially in the mornings after a night of lovely rain, when the world looks fresh and clean we see bundles of garbage floating along the river quite merrily! R ivers aren't supposed to be stagnant, but quite a few spots in the Adyar River are and guess what you find there? Millions of mosquitoes that literally eat me alive, while I'm practising in the bank tub. We could get diseases like malaria or dengue. The sad part is that my mum said that when she wa


Welcome to my blog everyone!!! I am Meera Sanjiv I am 12yrs old  I live in Tamil Nadu which is a state in India I hope that we all have interesting conversations here! I write about issues that matter to me,not matter  just to me but also to the world - atleast it should matter to the world! Today I will be writing about the Indian festival called Diwali  (festival of lights) Diwali is a festival where people go and visit their relatives and friends.. Now Diwali has become a festival of sound and pollution-WHY?! Because people burst fireworks and this leads to sound and air pollution. Y oung birds fall out of birds with sudden shock of the noise Stray animals and pets get so frightened People suffering from asthma, people who are sick won't be able to breathe. There is also lot of child labour in the firework industry kids working in places like this fall sick very easily and often... Last year in Chennai the government said that after 10pm