Corona Virus has its Merits too!

Yes, I know that Covid-19 has changed our lives a lot, however some of the changes are for the better. 

Ever since the world has been on lockdown, I'm not sure if many of you have noticed that the air is cleaner and less polluted. In fact my mom and I have been going to the terrace everyday to get some exercise and, after sunset we are able to see more stars then usual because the air is cleaner!

Why is the air cleaner?
Easy! It's because there aren't so many vehicles on the road, so less fuel being used and lesser pollution.

Actually my mom is asthmatic, (this is a condition where she can't breathe properly without the use of an inhaler). She hasn't used her inhaler for the past week, she says that she can breathe better than usual. Normally she would need to use her inhaler at least once a day. But now she doesn't have to and that is a good sign.

How can we make sure that after the lockdown, we don't go back to our old polluting ways?

Instead of travelling in one car per person try car pooling or use public transport.

I'm not saying that I'm happy that the Corona Virus has come but I am happy that the air is cleaner due to the lockdown and I am  happy that my mom can breathe properly!  :)

Here's a picture with the difference between 2019's pollution and 2020's pollution.

You can see that 2019 was way more polluted than 2020
this is a good sign!!

Song recco:
Earth is my home.

BTW- I have been continuing to make lunch for my family
 A few days ago I made Egg Fried Rice
1) make a masala scrambled egg with onions, tomatoes and  chilies.
2) then scramble the eggs  with cooked and cooled rice.
3) enjoy it hot!!
4) Tip- mix ketchup, soya sauce and green chili sauce into the rice   for a better taste.

Thank You for taking the time to read my blog!!
I know that this isn't a good time to say this but I will say it HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY


  1. Yup, I think this is a huge wake up call. I do hope everyone devides to do better and thinks of the environment that sustains us all.

    1. Dear mother,
      thank you for your wonderful comment it means a lot to me.
      Meera Sanjiv
      PS-I am being formal to you...

  2. Well said. A cleaner environment, clearer skies, are things we are beginning to enjoy. Caring more for our Mother Earth. Hope this wake up call makes us compassionate and proactive to the people around us and our surroundings. It is soldiers with a cause (people like you Meera and many others) who will bring about this change.

    1. Thati! i love how you comment on my blog it puts a smile on my face :)

      hope everyone who reads my blog will care even more for the planet.



  3. So well articulated, Meera! I hope we don't have to thank another pandemic like this to breathe better and realize on our own about what's important!

    Manju aunty

    1. Thank you so much Manju aunty

      its sad to see that people realize stuff like this only after damage is done or if we are in lockdown...

  4. Beautifully penned Meera!
    It's such a shame it took a virus/ lockdown to bring the pollution level under control.
    Nevertheless hoping for a cleaner and healthier air for all of us πŸ™‚
    Till then keep writing and enjoy cooking. Looking forward to one of your tasty meals when we meet next. Love you 😘

    1. Thank You Mini Aunty

      After this lockdown I will be cooking for my whole family, so when I come to blore I will cook for u and Ananya

  5. Ms M, how well you write. I especially like your optimism in these strange times. And that recipe - trying it out tomorrow! πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜šπŸ˜š

  6. wait is the cooking food part the april fool's day joke because egg scramble rice is one of my favorites. Also ask your mom to find you a recipe for a slight change up on egg fried rice popular in Japan. Its called Omurice or omlette rice. You might enjoy cooking that as well.
    Finally, pictures speak louder than words don't they? The PM2.5 ones make a clear point that our current urban lifestyles aren't that healthy.
    Rock on Ms M!! Or should that be Egg game on?!

    1. Thank You Brinda Aunty

      I will ask my mom to help me make the Omurice, mama also said that her father(my grandpa) used to make it for my mom and her bros.

  7. Very impressed with you dear girl! Keep writing and sharing πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜˜

  8. Well said, Meera ♥️ Look forward to reading your next blog xx

    1. thank you so much Suniti aunty...

      my next blog will be in a few days

  9. Hey Meera, first of all, Happy April Fools Day! I hundred percent agree with you. After the lockdown is over, I'm really hoping we can each of us contribute to fewer vehicles on the road. And I am also hoping that cities and states will look into polluting industries, many of which are illegal. I took some pics of the sky in Delhi. The blue is so vivid because of the cleaner air. Shall send them to your mum. Take a look! Love, Suman Aunty.
    P. S. The Fried rice looks delish!

    1. Thank you so much Suman aunty
      The Delhi blue sky looks so pretty. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience of the sky with me.

  10. Good points about the Corona situation Meera. Sometimes we need a crisis like this to appreciate what nature gives us. As for your cooking- you're killing it darling! Share some more recipes with us!
    Sachuma <3

    1. Thank You Sachu ma
      I will be sharing more recipes with all of you!!

      love you and miss seeing you



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