Hi all! Welcome back to my blog!

Today I  will be talking about how polluted the river in my city, Chennai is. I actually row in the river so that's how I know.
Although rowing  makes me feel calm and happy the stench and the things I see aren't pleasant at all.

The thing that disturbs me is water pollution.
I feel sad seeing plastic items, glass bottles, clothes, footwear and even filled garbage bags. All of  the drainage  drains  into the river- you can see the big pipes leading to the river as you row. Especially in the mornings after a night of lovely rain, when the world looks fresh and clean we see bundles of garbage floating along the river quite merrily!

Rivers aren't supposed to be stagnant, but quite a few spots in the Adyar River are and guess what you find there? Millions of mosquitoes that literally eat me alive, while I'm practising in the bank tub. We could get diseases like malaria or dengue.

The sad part is that my mum said that when she was in school, she used to cycle over a river called Cooum which was really smelly, more like a drain and apparently still is. I really wish that they had done something about it 30years ago.. 1989-2019 no change :(

I still remember that when I used to live in Amsterdam my parents  and I  used sit near the rivers and watch the ducks swimming and we also used to feed the ducks. I cant even imagine doing that here.

Of course, just because the river has been dirty for such a long time, it doesn't mean that it can't be cleaned up.

Here is a wonderful story about a group of women who clean a river-

So there is hope people! 
Let's keep the conversation going so that we can't say that WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE - Charlie Puth Recco#1

Meanwhile, I will be rowing on the river regardless of the smell and mosquitoes because WHAT DOESN'T KILL ME MAKES ME STRONGER- Kelly Clarkson Recco#2
I won't let Smelly Clarkson takeover!!


  1. Good post Meera....I always wonder how you row so cheerfully on the river and still find your calm space amidst that garbage and stink...you're so right, I should have done more earlier so that it isn't still the same if not worse!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very true Meera! It's really sad how polluted the rivers are, and as I read your post I was imagining how lovely it would be to have a clean living river in Chennai, like they do in Amsterdam. Really enjoy reading your posts and the interesting quotes too! Looking forward to reading more!

  4. I remember that river so well, Meera - you have written a piece very close to the hearts of all those who love Madras. Keep reporting on the stuff that matters! Loved your Clarkson reference - Smelly Clarkson indeed!

    1. thank you so much
      I am guessing that it is Sanaya Aunty

  5. I am so happy to read your thoughts here Meera! Keep rowing and writing.
    Much love,
    Manju aunty

    1. what a pleasant surprise to hear from you Manjula Aunty
      Its been a long time
      yes I will be rowing & writing more
      lots of love

  6. Hi Meera! I didn't know you had started a blog; what a great idea! Thanks for sharing your experience and point of view. Indeed, we should keep the conversation going and stand by the activists who manage to tackle important issues with practical initiatives like the one you mentioned. In the process, never forget to still have fun and be happy you have a river to row on and fight for! Do your part protecting it, but don't let polluters ruin your joy of exercising outdoors.
    I'll be looking forward to your next post.
    Way to go!

  7. Hope is what keeps us alive Meera. Change will not come if we wait for some other person. Glad to know that you want to change the polluted river to a clean river. A Big shout out to you Meera. Loved reading your post. Keep writing and keep and rowing.
    Loads of love
    Mini Aunty

  8. Very nicely written Meera. This piece really resonated with me. I grew up very close to the Adyar river and the issues you have described were a problem even back then - 1970's - 1990's. Initially people did not do anything because there was a general lack of awareness about environmental-related issues. As time progressed, small groups of people started raising concern and engaged in clean-up efforts. I remember working with a group from school in the mid-80s to clean up the Adyar estuary. However, I think there has to be complete buy-in for these efforts to be a success. Everybody in the community including our administrators and leaders need to be concerned about the environment. And that is in my opinion the biggest difference between India and European countries like the Netherlands. It makes me really happy to see your generation taking so much interest in the issues that matter. Hopefully your interest is contagious and gets everyone on board. Keep up the great work!

  9. Very well articulated Meera! Yes, it's very sad what has become of our Adyar. That you can bear rowing in it is commendable in itself! Did you know that the Adyar was once a major transport route for produce and stuff? People even swam in it about 50 years ago! Love your positivity and optimisim. Going along with the music reference "A change is gonna come"!

    1. Thank you so much Sachu ma!!!!
      My grandfather said that when he came from srilanka
      He and his sisters could swim in the water
      it was that clean..
      thanks again
      love ya

  10. Such a well expressed write up! Rivers are our lifeline and it's about time our leaders did something significant but in the meantime, it's so important for young ones like yourself, to express your desire for a cleaner and healthier environment.


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