Heyyyyy! Welcome back people!

I love cycling because it brings back a lot of memories from when I used to live in Amsterdam!

 Before the lockdown, i used to cycle to school, tuition, shops and my friends house.. But now I can't do that, but I do cycle to my grandparent's house very often.

The problem with cycling in India, is that the roads are unpaved and there is too much pollution. Delhi is the most polluted city in India.

The main cause of pollution are vehicles. tbh even when we go on long car rides, I can't put the window down because there is so much pollution, my mom and I find it hard to breathe! Which is horrible because we love the sticking our heads out, because of the gush of wind, at least we used to love it. In fact when my mom was a child, she used to cycle 7 km to her school every single day! It seems hard to believe that  so much has changes since my parents were kids. It is really ironic, because people use cars to avoid being exposed to polluted air, but they are adding to pollution too.

The main causes of air pollution are- vehicular pollution, factories, thermal power plants and construction dust.

As you can see, 14% of air  pollution comes from vehicles. This is something we can directly control by carpooling, cycling or walking short distances and taking public transportation. The government can help by making dedicated lanes for cyclists, pedestrians and improving the public transport system.

This is not a new idea, as this is practiced in Netherlands! 

In Amsterdam most people cycle or walk to work\school, cycling is the most common way to travel there, People use public transport also, People use cars only for long distance trips.

In fact, Netherlands is the bicycle capital of the world, there are 22.5 million cycles in Netherlands so far and over 881,000 cycles in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, the roads are very clean and organized. There are 6 separate lanes. One lane for pedestrians, a lane for cyclists, a lane for cars and big vehicles, a lane for busses and a lane for trams.

In India, some cities already have dedicated lanes for cyclists, but this is only in some parts of the city, but we need it all over each and every city. 

Thank you!

Song recco- Bicycle Race- Queen

Have a great day everyone


  1. Love your posts Meera. As you rightly said, it would be great to have dedicated bicycle lanes in every city. It is not only beneficial to the environment but also to our physical health. I hope that the authorities listen to your generation and make this a reality soon. Keep on writing :)

  2. This is a very good post...we should all do our bit! Keep writing, Meera!


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